The Power of Love | When I think of Dadi Janki I can't help but smile and I also think of the song by an American band called Huey Lewis & The News the song is called The Power of Love the closing choirs lyrics goes. It don't take money and it don't take fame, Don't need no credit card to ride this train Tougher than diamonds and stronger than steel, You won't feel nothing till you feel You feel the power, just the power of love, That's the power, that's the power of love. You feel the power of love Dadi is an example of the power of love and it is her love for God that keeps her going, and for 100 years now it just gets stronger. For this page, I wanted to share a personal experience with Dadi but that could not happen. So in this not having a moment of interact with Dadi but only for seconds at the end of class when she gives drishti and toli. Not to have direct access to Dadi made me think about the types of love we should have with Dadi. | One is love attachment where we want to be near Dadi take drishti and toli to hear her stories of gyan and living life in the yageia. Now with Dadi’s age and help preserve her energy personnel access to her is limited. So we have to show love detachment and that is when we should give good wishes and express the love for her in other ways by what she teaches us by saying OM SHANTI three times and remember the one Father. Dadi Janki said, in telling you about loving God. It is difficult to convey to others the love you might feel for another human being, since beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have learned that the way to be close to God is to have a clean heart, full of good wishes towards others with no animosity. Love is definitely the greatest spur, but we also need wisdom, and determination to keep going no matter what obstacles. |
Dadi: elder sister or grandmother
Drishti: focused gaze, is a means for developing concentrated intention.
Toli: it is a sweet that is maid by the yogis in the kitchens of Mt. Abu

The body is gone the soul has moved on but the love has stayed. This is the feeling I got from discovering Dadi's room in Harmony Hall in Gyan Sarova. It was 2009 when Sister Jenna introduced me to who was Dadi Prakashmani and had me make a video about some of her quotes. Only later to learn that she had past on before I came around. Through some of the stories and the teaching her love stays strong. To day I enjoy seeing videos of her classes and going buy Dadi's tree in Washington DC.

| When I first got to Gyan Sarova I was anxious to get to Shauntban to show the elders my book I made from my trip last year. About my third day there, I went down and was able to meet with Dadi Gulzar. I gave her my book, she looked through it with the sister. To me it was a loving personnel moment and that love I felt and just being in her presents I felt I lost all track of time and forget what she had told me. A few days later I got to meet with Dadi Ratan Mohini showed her the book she look through it and turned to the page about the story called Dadi and the Moth. She was surprised as if to say "I don't remember this happening" that was the funny moment I shared with her. I invited a sister from Canada this was her first time to Mt. Abu. I also asked Dadi if there was any thing I could do for her and she said to go to the class that where held in Gyan Sarova.
Brother Nirwair

The many people that I have talked to, to them Nirwair is known as the caring protector of the yagia in Mt. Abu. Always greeting those who come to the cottage where he stays in Shauntban sharing stories of the early years of the yadia, giving out toli and blessing new scooters and cars bought for service. Before Brahma Kumaris Brother Nirwair was a engineer for the India Navy in 1959. He read many spiritual books and was practicing meditation. When he couldn't get leave from the Navy he correspond with BapDada through letters and would receive a response once or twice a week from BapDada. Brother enjoyed photography and wrote BapDada about using this for service. BapDada wrote back... You should have all round service. When he came to Maduban BapDada guided him through all the different roles in Yagya service. From that he learned that to look after the Yagya from all angels. Every time I come to visit Brother Nirwair he is often pulled away to go out side to bless a car or scooter.

Class With

When entering Gyan Sarova top of a hill is a large rock and top that rock it a quaint hut. When taking the steps leading to the top will put you out of breath. But a what I think is a easy way is to walk up the hill on the other side of the learning center and cross through there will get you there too with less of a climb. It was my routine every morning at 3am to go up there for meditation. For me a peaceful personal conversation with God. My mantra became "Guide me in my journey of change." Meditation unlike pray is a time to reflect on life and to listen to God rather asking. | When there I would sit just inside the door and when any one else comes in and sit in front of Brahma Baba's trans light I would take picture. This is one of the place I will miss until next year when I hope to go again.
It was about 2009 that I came across Brahama Kumari and the Meditation Museum. From there I learned that I hold the key to a better life for my self and overall like my self. At the time I came to the Meditation Museum my confidence was shaken and borderline homeless so over time I have gotten to a better place of understanding my self. To feel great is about putting my life in order instead of trying to impress someone of looking for a good time at any cost. It is about looking deep inside my self to develop maturity and align that with my thoughts and the outer world around me. If there is confusion inside there will be confusion on the outside. | In working on my self I had to push bad habits to the side and of them is letting others try to load their problems on me. I stopped justify my miserable feelings and holding my self back from being the master of my own life. Real inner freedom begins with the self. Stop blaming others for what you hold your self back from. All those goals all those dreams, you make your own success. In each of us, we fallow our own spiritual path. How can someone tell you this path or that path is the only way when they have not been to the destination?

To go to Baba's meeting in Diamond Hall it is an exercise self detachment and finding that point inside and focus what Baba has you there for. So much is going on around you even though I would get there early and find my spot. Gradually you feel encroaching of others and you spot 3 feet square down to one foot, people negotiating with the ushers for better spot. Some men try to change the world out of selfish needs. But it is the wisest man of all that change himself to change the world for service of others. |
The Road To Mt. Abu
I arrived at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport in Ahmedabad. I did not have the address for customs of where I was going. I saw one of the sister who was on my plain and asked her the address to where I was going she said Diamond Lotus buy the stadium. It threw me off because I was expecting a typical address like in the U.S. a street name a house number not near the stadium. To find out later when I went to the rough of Diamond Lotus to see the surrounding city I saw the stadium and it looked like it was mile across the river. The drive to Mt. Abu takes about 3 hours with a stop half way. There is much to see just in the traffic along the way that will make you wounder.
From the Hindi word for flute, as seen pictured symbolically in the hands of Krishna, the BK Murlis are the closest thing to scripture within the BK faith. They are considered to be the words of God, i.e. Shiva, as spoken through the medium of Brahma Baba. All the primary BK teachings come from the Murlis. The BK Murlis, especially Sakar Murlis are not widely available to the public. One must go to a BK center to hear them spoken or to read a copy. BK "students" hear a Murli every morning at around 6.30 am.
Oct. 11 2015 However, he is a prince of the world, and so the sign of the kingdom is shown by giving him the tilak, crown and throne. However, he receives none of these in his childhood, whereas you Brahmins receive all three – the tilak, crown and throne. Only you Brahmins have the fortune of receiving these three attainments from the Supreme Father. None of you wants to become the moon dynasty King Rama or Sita. However, since you have the aim to become part of the number one sun dynasty, then according to your aim, you need to show that you have the qualifications required for the aim of always coming into the sun dynasty. You children aim to become part of the sun dynasty, that is, your aim to be constantly victorious.
Oct 15, 2015 The world has two parts: one new and the other old. However, no one knows when it becomes new and when it becomes old. No one can tell the age of the tree accurately. You have now learn of this tree from the Father. This tree is 5000 years old. Only you know its accurate age. No one knows the age of other trees. They can only estimate that. Storms come, trees fall and their lives end. Human beings also die suddenly. The age of this unlimited tree is exactly 5000 years. There cannot be one day less or one day more than this. This tree is predestined. There can be no change in it. The scenes that come in the drama will come at the time they are meant to. |
Oct 17, 2015 You children understand that the whole of this unlimited world is old. You now have to go to the new world. Baba shows you many methods. Keep your intellects busy on the pilgrimage of remembrance with these methods. On the path of devotion there are so many pictures. Compared to that you have very few. Your pictures are those of the path of knowledge whereas theirs are those of the path of devotion. All the devotion takes place with pictures. However, your pictures are real. Therefore, you can explain what is right and what is wrong. Baba is called the knowledge-full One. You have this knowledge.
Universal Harmony Hall, which seats 1600 individuals and provides simultaneous translation in more than 16 languages. It features both heating and cooling systems and excellent acoustics. One construction goal is make the building to run totally on solar power and to be independent from the power grid.
Universal Harmony Hall
Throughout the year Universal Harmony Hall is where dally the double-foreigners would come for amrit vela and Murli classes. Also to meet with Dadis and other elders of Mt. Abu. It is also the home to pigeons and especially a few colonies of bees. For the bees to gather is auspices that they chose such a place under the over hang of the rough. It is a symbol of the ability to accomplish the impossible over and over again. To enjoy the sweetness that life brings and to understand the proper use of your own energy. Intentions are always focused on a clear path and goal in life. To also be self-sufficient, very focused, a very hard worker, and to work best is when we are working with others. The bee is a good description of BK life.
Class With | Sudesh Didi
| She came into contact with the Brahma Kumaris in 1957 at the age of 16 in Delhi. In 1974 she acted as director of over 20 centers in UK and Ireland. She is currently the director of Raja Yoga Meditation Centers in Germany. A yogini of over 45 years, Didi is a living demonstration of the spirituality she strives to impart; a powerful inspiration to all who meet her. *In a class Didi talked about what it means to be happy. She said happiness is very contagious when you are happy you make others happy, it is the best nourishment of all. When we are healthy we are happy and inspired to use our inner wealth, our inner values. When we face challenges we grow through them and we are happy. Happiness is like the rays of the sun they are always there even when there are clouds they are there for a short time but the rays of the sun will always return. By sharing and giving is happiness. | *summarized from video clip entitled Be Inspired Be Happy. Found on the Brahma Kumaris UK YouTube channel Apr 25, 2011
Renewable Energy
Creating The Future We Want
Our global environment is constantly changing. Even though some have denied the facts because of political power. India is working on leading the way in renewable energy and the Brahma Kumaris are helping to do that. Buy building it's own facility for researching solar steam cooking, solar power generation and storage also photo voltaic stand alone system. In 2011 the Brahma Kumaris and WRTS initiated the design, development and installation of "India One" a 1 MW thermal plant in Abu Road, Rajasthan. | Sister Jayanti in a interview said, "We must change our relationship with the environment."
Government Primary School

|Just down the road from Gyan Sarova there is a little school with over 100 students it is Salgoa Government Primary School. When I entered the school yard I could see some of the children looking out from the doorways. I sat with some of the teachers for a moment than three little girls came up to me one with a tray and offered me cup of chie. I brought a bag of M&Ms with me but stopped at the little store at Gyan Sarova and got 50 more peaces was surprised that I had enough for all the children there. For not having much the children where well manured. Some of the children would bring their siblings that are not quite of age for school, they bring them because both parents are off working. When one of the classes of children stood to greet me when I entered and there was one little girl who stood with the others but she was still looking down at her lesson and what she just wrought in her note book. | "One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen, can change the world." | Malala Yousafzai
| Om Shanti Bhawan is one of the major and important establishment of World Renowned Spiritual University of Brahama Kumari Also known as Universal Peace Hall. Located near to Nakki Lake it was built during 1983 with a huge sitting capacity of 3 thousand people at a time. Every year during the month of February a meeting is organised Brahama Kumari in which People from all around the world participate. Raj yoga can be exercised here. | Info Found : www.mountaburajasthan.com

Last year on my arrival to India the first place I was taken to was Lotus House. It is one of many centers in India a welcome stop to the beginning of spiritual journey. This is where I would freshen up from the flight and get some rest before heading off to Mt Abu. When I got there I had the choice of going in a taxi or riding the bus. So to experience all that India had to offer I chose the bus. | To one side of the front door to the center is a figure of the deity Ganesh. One of the most beloved in the Hindu culture. He is the remover of obstacles. I am inspired by Ganesh that I too can destroy the obstacles in my way.

On 22nd Feb, 2015 the Inauguration of New Building Diamond Lotus House was completed successfully in the gracious presence of our respected Dadi Jankiji, Dadi Gulzarji, & Dadi Ratanmohiniji also other elders from Mt Abu. It is not far away from Lotus House it will help with serving the community. Plus it takes some of the pressure off Lotus House during the season from when double foreigns arrive for Baba's meetings. When I had arrived the next day Br Srinivas was there and had me and another sister get into the car and took us over to Lotus House. He took us into the dinning hall and there we where given some cabbage and a chapati. I can't remember much about it only how I felt when I had it. It felt like the one meal that you mother would make you and hadn't had it in along time. It made you feel loved.

Baba’s rock is a favorite off campus place for silent contemplation. It is part of a nature trail also known as Bailey’s Walk and it offers fine views of the plains below, especially around sunset. This walk is always undertaken as part of a guided group because the area is surrounded by dense bushland. Wile up there some of the local tourist came up to the plateau just as you would get to Baba's Rock. | They where there enjoying their time laughing taking photos. One of the brothers who guided us up there went down to quiet the group. A few minuets of quiet brother David who runs the art department in Gyan Sarova got up and started playing his flute. Silence just fell across the area and all you could hear was the sound of the flute. | David Kilowsky Is the director of the art department at Gyan Sarovar Mt. Abu.
Gyan Sarovar


5am in the morning there is a small room below the dinning hall. There are three brothers preparing to make that days bread. Shyam and Srimivasarebby prepare the dough kneed it and place it in to pans where the let the dough rise than later place it in the oven. Than later that day as the fresh bread is taken out and place in cupboards so it can cool and settle. Than Viyay takes it and put it through the slicer and he takes it up to store it near the dinning hall for it to be used at the next meal.

Nakki Lake Market
Being at Nakki Lacke market was my first time out side the Brahma Kumaris campuses. I took the bus and when getting to the market center I tagged along with some sisters from Malaysia. Every shop we passed they had to look at the bangles for gifts for their daughters back home. I enjoyed my time with them and to me it did matter how long they took in the store the experience being there was worth the waiting.
|Info found http://www.mountabu.com

is comfortable and able to rest on the long flight. It is amazing how they have just about every thing you might need and keeping everything stowed away is skilled organization.

Bishop McArthur Anderson
Who was there at the right time on my spiritual path.
To Dadi Janki, Dadi Gulzar, Dadi Ratan Mohini the BAHMAH KUMARA family of Mt. Abu India and Washington DC. To my family and friends in Iowa, Illinois and Florida.
To Sister Jenna and Sister Gita for their guidance.
To Br David,Br Santosh, To Sister Magen for editing my books.
To the staff of QATAR flights QR 0708, 0534, 0535, 0707 |
References | Much of the information found on http://www.brahmakumaris.org/ and Mt Adu India tourist site http://www.mountabu.com. Quotes from Feeling Great by Dadi Janki and I Know How To Live, I Know How To Die by Neville Hogkinson. The Power Of Love by Huey Lewis Chrysalis Records. Google Maps, QATAR Airways logo an plain. Cover design Gyan Sarova art department. Inner page backgrounds and fonts and logos of MixBooks. Quote by Malala Yousafzai. All other photos taken by Thomas Dooley
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