Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Fear

May be it is because I look at FaceBook to much. But I now have a fear and I am dealing with it as I write this.
This past week the muffler on my car has just given up and now it sings a different song that would echo through out the neighborhood when I started up. I would always be careful with how fast I would drive because it would get louder as the gearshift. But as I hear the noise I would start to think of all these video clips of people who had interactions with the police for minor violations and they would totally go wrong. Even though I do not fit the demographic of these people who get stopped in end up going through the situations. I just can't help to feel that if I don't take care of this muffler I could be one of them.
And here's the way I see it that we all have inside of ourselves a need to feel excepted to prove to others that we know what we're doing and to earn their respect. I feel like this is the situation with most things police officers who make these kind of unnecessary stops were a ticket or find would be just as acceptable. And I feel it's these kind please officers that shouldn't be part of law-enforcement in the first pace because they have something inside of them that they feel they have to prove because they couldn't get the acceptance or respect that the desire anywhere else. So they find a means to get the respect they feel they deserve by forcing it from other people and that's what I feel is wrong and that's obviously what can be seen in many of these videos.
It is my fear that I meet one of these officers one day and on that day but they feel like they have an opportunity to prove to themselves to their other fellow officers but they can take respect that well. But I hope this is something that'll go away and that an interaction like that for me will be as rare as being struck by lightning or winning the lottery.  

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