Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Turning Point

The part time job that I have, I am not sure that I can really call it that or even full time. But the place that I am at working where I pray to prayers on that my check at the end of the month will cover my bills, and God please get me out of here.
My first job coming out of college and after the first month was driving me crazy. Than just under working there a year being there the greatest thing happen I was fired. So I spent that summer starting over doing what did the semester before I graduated and that was looking for job. This time was going to be different I was going to get that job where the people appreciated my talent and every day let me know it and I would move up in my career I would become a success.

But I am still here back at the job where I was once released of the burden of stress and panic. I didn’t come back because I wanted to, more out of necessity. I have this strange happen that I need a roof over my head a food in my belly. I was back and still not happy praying those two same prayers.

My dream was to come out of school and produce that great epic documentary that would turn heads and pull at every one’s emotions to the point of inspiration. But that is not what had become of me. Like Oakley Hall I search in my mind the name less things. My tragedy and bewilderment is my life no accident or abuse of alcohol or even drugs will give me the redemption to my life so that I can say that I have arrived.

So I look to the path once again to find my turning point to start over again.

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