Tuesday, January 21, 2014

His Name is PRINCE

It was a round the summer of 1997 I worked at place called The Mark of the Quad Cities an arena in Moline IL. It was there I almost stepped on PRINCE. He was doing a random concert there as I was working with the set up crew I turned around and almost bumped into the little guy. He had to big balled bodyguards one white on black kind of a matching set. That was my brief encounter with Prince.

At that show there was only two times he was in the building once for sound check where he adjusted  every knob on the sound board as his band plays the same song for nearly an hour. The second time was for the concert. It seem he spent the day running around town with his wife at the time and went to see the movie BATMAN the one he contributed to the sound track.

When he came to do the show that night, there was a few DJ's from two of the locale radio station on stage after every each one of them did their pitch for their station. The first DJ's who was to introduce Prince as you felt the energy of the show was about to start he said "Prince will be on in 15 min."
At that point Prince was ready to go on stage and as that guy said that Prince turned around and went back into his car back stage and sat there for 15 min. The building director was mad after that and possibly had that DJ taken from the building. In the building control room you can here the lighting director say "Well this will give us time to go over the lighting queues, well there are no lighting queues so just listen for my calls."

Other musings inspired by PRINCE: Under my other blogg of poetry called Moment Of Inspriation

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bad Karma on 495

Friday night around 6:30pm had a accident, thank God no one was hurt.
Now as the incident flashes back many should-of coming to mind.
Wait for traffic to clear?
Take my alternative rout when there is traffic?
Many more like that I don't care to think about. I hope something good comes of this.

How karma come into this?
Some times when we do thing that you shouldn't there is equal result to those actions.
When you are doing thing that are right things are good and some times you are rewarded for this good actions.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Onion picking with Michael Jackson

This post is not chronological but it is my story and this how I will tell it.
It was in Bettendorf Iowa near the banks of the Mississippi river where there are these onion farms. It interested me so one day I went to see what it was about. I leaded to cut the tassels off the onions, but it wasn't that simple, you where bent over all day and it was 45 cents per bushel. I would go there for two or three summers and pick onions until I had $5 than go to the movies.
Now that does not sound like much but remember this was during the 80's and a movie was $2 back then.
To the title that caught your eye to look at this post. Well, before moving to Bettendorf, I had a friend name Benny and he was a Michael Jackson impersonator and one year he came with me to the onion fields. We worked all day for a week and at the end of the week we where the two guys who dumped them in this big wagon that sort them. The thing to know about onions they grown in this rich black dirt and at the end of the day you find dirt in crevasse of the body that would astound you.

Named by the Nurse

I was born June 14, 1968 to no real fain fair … that I know of. The one thing my mom told me that during my birth I went back up in. Don't know if this was some thing I did or what my mother did.
She would demonstrate the event with the Welches Squeezable jelly bottle. She would squeeze it and just as the jelly was about to come out she would stop squeezing the bottle and the jelly would go back inside. Yes I am trying to put my head around that too.

To the real reason of this post still, how I got my named. It is symple really, the nurse named me. The back story is that the head nurse of the doctor who dilvered me had crush on a guy named Thomas John. I don't know if any thing came of the nurse and Thomas John. But to no fault of my own  I am know as Tom Dooley, and yes I know about the song so you don't have to remind me by singing it. But I do wish Carrel King had but that is another story.

Here are some links just so you don't have to ask me about Tom Dooley:
Tom_Dooley_(song) Wikipedia
Tom_Dooley or Dula

I just learned the irony of this is Tom Dooley died in 1868 and I was born 1968.