Sunday, February 1, 2015

George Bush hates penguins

Kanye West got the BET Honor for entertainment we all know that Kanye acts out. What we have to understand is that some time he speak or act out because of emotion. But from seeing him at the honors was surprising from the person we see from time to time on TMZ and other tabloids. He is passionate about his art and his work which we all should do in our jobs.

There is one Kanye moment that stands out to me the most that he spoke more out of emotion before really thinking about it. It was the Katrina fund raiser when he and Mike Mires where reading from a TelePrompTer imploring people to help with funds for those who lost every thing in the hurricane. I don't remember what Mike said today who even knows after what Kanye said after him he said "George Bush hates black people." what maid that funny was the look on Mikes face when he said that.

Years later as I thought about it that moment became the base for a joke that I don't want to waste so I am putting it in this blog post and here it is.

Kanye West got it wrong when he said George Bush hates black people, he really hates penguins a animal that call it's self a bird and can't fly is really arrogant.


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